The monetary system is unfriendly for people with low income.
The more money you are able to earn, the friendlier it gets for you.
Market prices are unsocial, as they don't relate to an average income, or incomes of working poors.
Market prices rise, according to artificial created shortage of goods (and perhaps a few services).
These sort of shortages are unsocial, and more. But accepted.
The rise in prices, create problems for the consumer, and which about the producers, manufacturers and sellers don't seem to care.
You are a constant marionette of these price making tactics.
The only power you have, as a consumer, is to refuse to buy goods and services.
The power of the consumers is greater, than the vendors and manufacturers, because there are more consumers "in the game".
Google for "monetary system", and learn.
Figure out, how you can have a better live, within our systems, and be fair to other people.
The monetary system, today, is so bad: It has been designed by fraudulent bankers, and is screaming for reformation. That it doesn't work, you know your self.
Shortage of goods, must not have to be, but happens all the time..., just to make more money.
Conclusion, for you:
Because the monetary system works with scarce service offers, you can make money by offering services that are strong in demand.
Example: Mobile phone services (web sites, software, QR-Code help, etc.)