Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Going green with .tel

Consumers want green action from brands and businesses, that contributes to a better society and environment. 85 percent of consumers worldwide are willing to change the brands they buy or their consumption habits to make tomorrow a better place.
A lot of registered .tel domain names, seem to be for small start up businesses. These businesses are offering new brands and new services. We all know, that it is not very easy to get new clients.
But your business can start offering products or services, what the mentioned consumers would buy, because they are not buying them yet elsewhere.
You might want to tink about that, when you create a new business idea, or when you are considering to register (more / new) .tel domain names.
Consumers want businesses to take the lead on actions to reduce climate change: Be one of them.
And one of them, that have a dot tel domain. And making communication a lot more easier, and letting potential clients find your business.

Consumers admire companies that are demonstrating real leadership on climate change. Deliver green solutions with a green company / business, and a green dot tel domain name. Consumers are getting climate conscious, and companies who can show, that they are climate consious too, will be (more) sucessful.


It is not only all about: "When and how will .tel take off?", or "will .tel take off?", etc.: It is also, and more importantly, about: "What can, and will I do with my .tel?". "Or with my future .tel?".

If your .tel goes green, or your next .tel will be for a good and green purpose, yes, than I see even better chances for .tel as a global successful domain.

Your .tel could be there, before any dot eco got a piece of the green action. Be first.
The idea of .mobi is to signal "we are a mobile website".
The idea of .eco is to signal: "we are a ecological website".
But .tel can signal: ", and are green and ecological, and easy to find, and easy to get in contact with, also on a mobile phone. And we guide you to the (ecological) websites, you are looking for."
So, if you will, with .tel, you have the best of all worlds. All with the one domain extension.
The strength of the .tel extension, is to signal, that its strength is contact and communication. You can use it for mobile phones, as well as for ecological webpages, and to point to ecological websites, and more.
If action generates money, everyone wants a piece of the action. If the action is green, and for a good purpose, and you feel good, by doing such a good thing, at the same time, then what are you waiting for? Why not get active? The economic downturn has not only negative effects on the economy: You get opportunities, you otherwhise would not get: For example, not all great and promissing domain names of new domain extension are taken, because domainers are holding back, with their expenses, not seeing opportunities to make profits in the near future.
But we do, now (see). And we agree, how important it is, to buy and spend now, instead of hoarding our money.
As we are not loosing, but creating and gaining value, by registering the right domain names, and putting them in our portfolio, and populating them, when we have time.

Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

The lovely "Love Train" video...

Probably the most interesting thing, about domain extensions, are the activities of the supporting communities of the domain extensions.
It basically does not matter, how your domain extension looks like, for it to be successful:
What depends and matters, is how it is promoted.
Follow the history of .com, and you will understand, how and why it got strong and popular.
You can follow the history of promotion and forum-support of any domain extension, and you might be able to discover parallels of smart endeavours, time (-line) and success. (Only love, provided by a fan community, is not enough, to make a domain extension succesfull. See .mobi, for example. It is viable, respectively still alive, because of the love it gets, but to be able to be sucessful, it will need some more support, by the powerful companies, that are supposed to be backing it up. And so, same with .tel...)
Basically, it is always common sense, that saves you, a project, or anything in progress that happen to be in a awkward situation.

What counts, are costly and smart pomoting, time and common sense, that must always be used.
The non usage of common sense and brains, it the death to anything.
The non usage of money, won't help promote, because promoting costs.
The cultivation of plein stupidity may be bad, in times, may be good in other times, because people are sometimes stupid, and trained by media and advertising, not to think, but only to consume, what is offered. The language of stupidity is a language, mankind has learned over the years, and understands. Whatever way you are able to make your self understood: You can earn money, if people understand, what you are selling.

The mixture, of intelligence, stupidity, sex, common sense, etc., is what sells.
Try to sell a perfect and usefull product, only by explaining how it functions, and for it is good: Consumers are not used, only to get dry facts served. They are spoiled, and used to get a daily dosis of adverts, that contain sex, crazyness, stunning effects, etc., and where they do not have to think, but only consume.

And now, here you are with the dot tel domain, in our world today: How are you going to sell it?
The „Love Train“ was popular, because it is funny and sexy, and only explained a minimum of the technology, idea, and features about .tel.
If you will, the „Love Train“ is a promotion video for dummies, that just want a good lough, and some sexual stimulation. Well, the „Love Train“ did the trick, and worked for a short while, and only for a few.
But who are the consumers of .tel?...: All sorts of people and groups. Speak to them (and about their needs and dreams) individually. Make ten completly different videos, addressed to ten different groups of consumers...
Here is the code for implementing the (premium qualitiy version of the) video within your blog (however, it is still a stunner and a eye catcher, and nevertheless, a lot of fun):
(Just copy and paste...):


Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

Experimenting: Google search engine ranking and dot tel subdomains

Quote from a forum reader (Telnic forum):

i am doing everything to support .tel till the end as much as i can, that's why i have started building directories which are already high ranked just to give you another example

Buy Classic Arts :

Buy Classic Paintings:

Classic Personalities :

My quote:

Interstingly, your subdomains get very well indexed by Google, if you make smart usage from the header section of your subdomain, by fully using the header potential and space, and repeating keywords, the way they are suposed to be used in the search bar. For example you used four times "Classic Arts" in your header, for the subdomain, and by searching for the term "buy classic Arts", your subdomain is listed on page one, at position six.

Respectively: The number of keywords in your header is 9 times "Classic", and 3 times "Arts", but also in addition, 2 times "Art", which might be equivalent with "Arts", and therefore, it would be like 9 times "Calssic" and 5 times "Art/s".

Same thing, with the search term "buy classic paintings", where the number of keywords in your header is 9 times "Classic", and 3 times "Paintings" , and the subdomain has position eight.

Conclusion: The more keywords in your header, that match with your search terms, the better is your ranking by search terms.

Lately, I read a forum post in a .mobi forum, and a member said, that subdomains would not get well indext by Google, and would not get a page rank.

However, the examples from Shahid show us, that .tel subdomains get well indext by Google, if we put enough relevant keywords in the header section of the interface.

About searching for "classic paintings":
I assume, that if you would write for example 20 times the word "Classic", and 20 times the word "Paintings", your .tel subdomain would rank even better, than if you "only" write 9 times the word "Classic", and 3 times the word "Paintings".

"Classic Personalities" even ranks better: Let us check out, why:
Here we have 3 times the perfect match (keyword with search term) "Classic Personalities", and ... - yes, that's already it!

It is absolutely amazing, how one can rank a .tel subdomain so high. Doing it by simply multiplying the number of matching keywords in .tel domain header section.

So I am certain, that if you have a .tel domain and any other domain. which are a related pair/couple, you can simply improove your search results / search engine ranking of that other domain (or its subdomain?) by entering the ideal keywords, and multiply them, and that you see, that the keywords match with common search terms.

To be able to proove my theory, I would have to experiment with my own .tel domains and their keywords.

I wonder, if .tel subdomains rank better in search terms, than subdomains of websites, that are their mobile version (for example: versus
Respectively, the mobile version of a website would be a subdomain of that website, and not a redirected page ( versus
The .mobi community agues, that a .mobi website gets better indexed by Google for page rank, that a mobile subdomain.

Looking at all these aspects and szenarios: domain versus subdomain, and versus, the reason why a .tel subdomain might rank better, for reasons of keywords, might simply be because it is using a other technology via direct information storage and exchange within the DNS.

And then the final conclusion could be:
A .tel subdomain ranks better than any other subdomain, if you make proper usage of your keywords, and the .tel technology will do the rest (DNS).

Or in other words: Not using your keyword potential properly, would not be benefitting from the .tel technology (or the ".tel power"/DNS). And you would be quasi giving away Google ranking positions to other domain owners (in cyber space), that you would of been glad to have your self.

Possibly the examples and hints from Shahid are helping us see this advantage that .tel domains have, compared with other domains, especially their subdomains.

Well, best thing would be, to try it out your self, and do a bit of experimenting with subdomains and their keywords, to see if you can improove your search ranking that way. Post us your results and feedback!

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

Is there a confusion?

If you would compare what the registry of the dot tel domain has done for its domain and community within the first year, and what other registries have done in their first year since the launch of their domain extension, than you might be able to conclude and see, that this is simply outstanding and extraordinary. And no other registry and community has made so much effort before, to develope and market its domain within the first year since launch.

I guess that marketing of a mobile domain, has to be done in a similar way a for example as it was done for the iPhone.

.Tel should look upon dot mobi (.mobi), as its brother, because, as far as I know, it is the only other mobile domain that exists. If you will, it is also early days for dot mobi. Wheras dot mobi offers nothing else, than its domain extension „.mobi“ (but which might be very fine, too), the dot tel domain does not only offer its domain extension „.tel“, but also a practical and useful interface, where you not need to have a website, or any hosting, which means, also, that you save money on webspace and the cost for hosting.

We got to learn from our "brother" (.mobi), about the good and the bad, about the pros and cons.
Despite all the negaive talk and the naysayers: Dot mobi is still there, alive, has a demand for it, and gets sometimes some very nice prices at auctions.

Furthermore: Same as with .tel, there are a lot of people who don't get, what .mobi is about, and why a registry had lauched it, and why it has a lot of companies that are backening it financially.
For many things, .mobi won't be able to be of much use, but in some other situations, it is the perfect solution.

Neither .mobi, nor .tel is probably the „one size fits all solution“. But it might fit, for you, or for him, or her. Just tell them about it, and why it might fit and suit them.

Personally, it think, you either have a love affaire with a name or/and extension, or you don't:
Some names with „.com“, or with „.mobi“ just look darn good. I am not sure, about if a name looks better, if it has „.tel“ instead of a country extension, etc., but it sure will feel darn good.

So that is where .tel will have to be good at: At providing a great feeling and experience.

As we all know: „.com“ stand for „commerce“, and „.mobi“ stands for „mobile device, or mobil phone“. But „.tel“?...: Can you go to your telephone, and use „.tel“? However, „.tel“ means „telecommunications“. But if there would be a person having no clue about the meaning of „.com“ he could think as well, that „.com“ meant „telecommunications“. Why not? Or should it be more like „.comm“ for „communications“? - Commerce, as well as communications start both with "com", and "com" could therefore also stand for (tele)communications, if it had not been promoted for the cause of (e-)commerce.

Anyway: „.tel“ might confuse some people with its extension, because they might not be able to figure out, for what „.tel“ is supposed to stand for.

It might be easier for them, if they get a chance to look at a .tel page.

You could even go so far, and say: Well, if you wan't to put it right, according to common sense, than „.mobi“ should look like the dot tel domain. Because „mobi“ stands for mobile and telecommunication.

Imagine, if „.tel“ had only its extension to offer, like „.mobi“...: People would have to develope a mobile version of their website, and change their „.com“ extension for a „.tel“ extension.
This might have even worked better than with the extension „.mobi“ (if .mobi was .tel, and .tel was .mobi).
- If the extension ".mobi" hadn't been already taken by a other registry, would of possibly Telnic chosen that extension for its interface, that was designed mainly for mobile purpose? Would that of made more sense, having the mobile and electronic business card named "", instead of ""?

However, I think it is just important, that users know, for what „.mobi“ and „.tel“ stand for, and how they can be used in the most efficient way. So that it will then be up to them, to decide, if they could benefit from such a extension/domain, or not.

As we concluded: „.com“ or „.tel“ could quasi stand for anything (communications or telefon, etc.).
The strength of the „.mobi“ name might just be, that people are most likely to easily figure out, that the domain name with such a extension is for mobile devices. Maybe even soon, for smartbooks (smaller mini laptops, that are smaller than netbooks).

Why is „.tel“ not better named ".tele", or „.teleco“, or „.telecom“ (dot tele, or dot teleco, or dot telecom)? - Would there be less confusion? Is „.tel“ confusing?
„.Tel“ probably will mean nothing to the user, until he gets his hands on .tel, and realizes, how awsome this „.tel“ is.

With the registries themselfs, it is also a case fo "first com, first serve" (served by ICANN), because the extension ".com", as well as ".mobi" would of been perfect for the electronic business card that Telnic had launched a year ago. However, as soon as a extension is properly branded and marketed, it will work, no matter, if the extension makes sense, or not, for its cause and usage (see the dot com domain, after a period of twenty five years). Because ".com" could mean this, or that, or also that. Who thinks, every time he uses a ".com" that it means "commerce"? - The only thing they know, is that they can do business with that domain, and that it is not a non-profit website, like you can find under a domain name with the extension ".info", ".museum", etc.
So, what is the message?:
We got to get people to know, for what the domain name extension ".tel" stands for, and they might want to take a look at it. Otherwhise they might say: "Why bother and do "try and error", and possible waste some time? After all: Isn't it ".mobi", that is for mobile phones? Is there something else, as well?" - Tell the world...
But seriously, folks: The DotMobi registry and Telnic better make some sort of a deal..., becaus the one registry has the name, and the other one has great functions and features, and will have the looks (very soon).

It is not the first time, that two important companies have merged together, to be more successful, in hard economic times, and in a market with a lot of competition, etc. - All those mobile phone users, and the potential ones to come: We don't want to confuse them, but we want to give them something, that they can use, and that is easy to get and to use.

Merry Christmas!

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009

Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

.Tel promotion via brick and mortar businesses

I think, that promoting the dot tel Internet domain, would work best, through brick and mortar businesses.

Especially via the mobile phone industry.

What is a brick and mortar business?:

Quote Wikipedia:
"Brick and mortar (B&M) refers to a company that possesses a building or store for operations[1]. The name is a metonym derived from the traditional building materials associated with physical buildings – bricks and mortar – in contrast with online stores, which have no physical presence.
In the jargon of eCommerce, brick and mortar businesses are companies that have a physical presence — a physical store — and offer face-to-face consumer experiences. This term is usually used to contrast with a transitory business or an internet-only presence, such as an online shop. An example would be the movie-rental shop Blockbuster Video, which has physical stores and is in competition with the newer online rental services offered by Netflix."

Why B&M, and not the Internet?:

The strongest and widest spread promotion for the dot tel domain had been done by registrars: Just google for .tel, and you can see, what I mean ("dot tel", or "dot tel domain", etc.).
But looking at most of that information and and most of those web pages, show, that the information is outdated.

B&M promotion can't get outdated. Because such a sales promotion has a beginning and a end.
Wheras Google only got cluttered up with old .tel information.
And still now: It is hard to separate the newest .tel info from the old .tel info, from a year, or nearly a year ago.

Basically anybody with a B&M shop presence could do .tel promotion, which would be much more effective, than most attempts to set up a website promotion on the web.

Financially spoken: Every sort of .tel promotion, that takes place online, will have a high opportunity cost, compared with promoting .tel offline.
Opportunity cost can be conceptualized as the amount of money one could have made by making a different promotion decision.
The difference between the value of the decision you did make and the value of the alternative is the opportunity cost.
In other words: We are loosing a lot of money, by not promoting the dot tel domain in a different way (offline, instead of online).
And so, therefor, promoting a product the right way, is about earning a lot of money.
Money and value, that would be simply lost, by staying with the old promotion concept.

About opportunity cost:

Further more, we would have to declutter Google, and delete all the outdated .tel info and promotion.
Respectively, tell all registrars and resellers, to either delete the old info, or to update their .tel promo pages.

Tel promotion via brick and mortar businesses, and decluttering Google from outdated .tel info, would show significant and stunning results.

And: If we do not do it, we will continue loosing a lot of money in the mid and long term (opportunity cost).
Doing nothing, or spending a lot of money for online .tel promotion, is false economy.

Samstag, 31. Oktober 2009


Es ist lächerlich, wenn wir unter Gelsorgen leiden.

Also: Zumindest, kann ich mir das selber sagen.

Zwar habe ich chronisch Gelmangel, und leide zeitweise darunter, doch ist es wirklich dumm, wenn ich mich dadurch betrüben lasse.

Mein Reichtum ist unermesslich gross: Nur besteht er nicht in Geld, und wurde bisher nicht "kommerzialisiert".

Solange Sie es zulassen, dass Ihr Kopf frei denken kann, haben Sie über den Kapitalismus gesiegt.

Wie ist unser monitäres System doch einseitig!: Denn es lässt sich nicht Alles rasch in Geld umwandeln. Und es lassen sich quasi nur bestimmte Dinge in Geld umwandeln, oder gegen Geld eintauschen.

Ein reiner Tauschhandel wäre wohl viel flexibler.

Angenommen, ich hätte eine fantastische Idee für ein Projekt, aber mir fehlte das Geld für dieses Projekt: Ich könnte die Idee verkaufen. Ja, aber, wer würde sich denn dafür interessieren:

Hier kommt der Markt zu Zuge: Verkäufer treffen auf Kaufwillige. Kaufwillige kaufen Waren von Verkäufern, die "Warenanbieter" sind.

Je mehr Verkäufer, Käufer und Waren auf dem Platz, desto grösser die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es "ein Matching gibt", dass sich ein Käufer findet, und eine Ware ihren Besitzer wechselt.
Entweder gegen Geld, oder gegen eine andere Ware.

Das ganze "Spiel" braucht nicht ausser Haus stattzufinden: Es kann auch virtuell, online stattfinden. Es kann ja auch online gehandelt werden.

Kann man nun sagen, dass Märkte ein besseres Leben ermöglichen? Dass sie mehr möglichkeiten anbieten? Dass sie flexibler sind, als eine Beziehung "Geschäft zu Kunde", oder "Bank zu Kunde"?

Auf dem Marktplatz, sind Händler, beziehungsweise, Verkäufer und Käufer quasi gleichgestellt und gleichbereichtigt. Es gibt keine Diskriminierung.

Also sind Märkte, wo Alle teilnehmen, die besser Lösung, als Geschäftslokale, die nur bereit sind Geld anzunehmen.

Es ist wohl auch falsch, nur Geld gegen Waren auszutauschen, sondern man sollte auch immer Waren gegen Waren austauschen. Es sollte vermehrt Waren gegen Waren ausgegtauscht werden, anstatt Waren gegen Geld.

Da der Dollar heute quasi nur ein Platzhalter für eine Schuld darstellt, tauscht man, wenn man Geld gegen Geld austauscht, Schulden gegen Schulden. Und von Schulden, kann man sich ja in Wirklichkeit nicht ernähren oder satt bekommen.

Die solidesten Geschäfte wären doch: Ware gegen Ware. Arbeit gegen Arbeit. Ware gegen Arbeit. Arbeit gegen Ware. Arbeit und Ware gegen Ware und Arbeit. Ware gegen Arbeit und Ware. Etc., etc.

Das Geld erfüllt seinen ursprünglichen Zweck nicht mehr, wenn es uns nur eine grössere Menge von Geld auf dem Gesammtgeldmarkt vorgaukelt, als tatsächlich vorhanden ist. Und wenn es von WallStreet-Bankern missbraucht wird, um Bilanzierungen zu fälschen.
Es ist nun berechtigt, sein Vertrauen in den Dollar zu verlieren.

Und es ist Denken mit gesundem Menschenverstand, wenn wir uns anderen Formen von Handel und Tausch zuwenden.

Wir würden sehen, dass wir trotzdem Alles bekommen, was wir benötigen (Wohnen, Essen, Kleidung, Bildung, Beziehung, Lebensqualität, Sicherheiten, etc.).

Das Handelsprinzp von Online-Auktionen, geht im Prinip in richtige Richtung: Allerdings, könnte man einen Schritt weiter gehen, und das Geld "aus dem Spiel lassen", und nur Waren gegen Waren tauschen.

Die Problematik ist nur die:
Derjenige, der Seine Ware gegen eine andere Ware eingetauscht hat, hat zuwenig "Cash", oder "Cash Flow", um seine Rechnungen zu bezahlen. Weshalb die Form "Ware gegen Geld" bevorzugt wird.

Fände eine "Entnabelung" vom Geldsystem statt, und von allen Abhängigkeiten der bestehenden Strucktur des monitären Systems, so wäre ein Handel von Ware gegen Ware, kein grosses Problem mehr: Man bräuchte schlicht kein Geld.

Also könnte erklärtes Ziel sein: Eine schrittweise Entbindung vom Geldsystem. Wie wäre das zu bewerkstelligen?:

1.) Keine Kredite annehmen.
2.) Keine Hypotheken annehmen.
3.) Häuser und Wohnungen kaufen, statt mieten.
4.) Gemüse und Früchte selbst anbauen und ernten.
5.) Selbständig arbeiten, ohne Anstellungsverhältnis.
6.) Alles selbst bauen: Häuser, Autos, Energyanlagen, etc.
7.) Sich in Gemeinschaften organisieren, sich in Netzwerken integrieren.
8.) Arbeitsteilung machen: Mann oder Frau hinter dem Herd, etc.
9.) Weniger arbeiten.
10.) Technologien selber nutzen.
11.) Keinen Militärdienst leisten.
12.) Welthunger und Kriege beenden.
13.) Erneuerbare Energien nutzen.
14.) Weniger Verpackung, Abfall und Luftverunreinigungen (Feinstaub).
15.) Gesunden Menschverstand nutzen.
16.) Keine Profit- oder Gewinnmaximierungen.
17.) Sich der Natur unterordnen, anstatt sie zu beherrschen und zu zerstören.
18.) Alle Nuklear- / Kernkraftwerke abschalten, wegen Bedrohung der Sicherheit.
19.) Anders denken, und umdenken.
Es kann sich übrigens Jeder selbst befreien, indem er seine eigenen Handels- und Beziehungsstrukturen aufbaut, oder sich in guten Netzwerken integriert.

Beispiel: Produzenten/Lieferanten von unterschiedlichen Waren und Dienstleistungen, können untereinander vereinbaren, dass sie nur Waren und Dienstleistungen austauschen, aber kein Geld entgegennehmen, oder bezahlen.

Auf diese Weise, schliesst man sich vom Geldsystem aus. Und es funktioniert trotzdem.

Am besten geht dies in kleinen Gemeinschaften, Verbänden, Gruppen, Netzwerken, Strukturen, etc.,
weshalb dies ans sich relativ einfach zu berwerkstelligen wäre.

Grosse Monopolisten, die sich uneinsichtig und unflexibel geben würden, hätten das Nachsehen.

Die Zukunft gälte den kleinen (oder grösseren) Netzwerken und Gemeinschaften, die sich selbst erhalten und ernähren könnten, ohne Geld, wohlverstanden.

Mit der Macht, steht es gar nicht so "unerschütterlich", wie es den Anscheinschein macht:
Wir bräuchten auch nicht an der Macht zu rütteln: Denn die Mächtigen sind in Wirklichkeit wir selbst.

Folge und Nebeneffekt dieses Handelns, wären:
Abnahme der Kriminalität.
Abbau von Polizei.
Abbau von Gefängnissen.
Abschaffung von Gesetzen.
Umschreibung des Strafrechts.
Eine humanere Gesellschaft (wahre Nächstenliebe).
Kein Krieg.
Kein Hunger auf der Welt.
Keine neuen Gefängnisse.
Weniger Faschismus.
Schuldenfreie Gesellschaft.
Nur wenn es Korruption, Armut, Krieg, Hunger, Betrug, etc., gibt, kann es auch Geld geben:
Also, schaffen wir Alles ab.
Geld bietet uns nur kurzfirstige Lösungen, und kurzfirstige Sorgenlosigkeit. Längerfristig, bietet Geld aber nicht Lösungen an, sondern ist der Grund für die meisten bestehenden Probleme auf der Welt.

Wenn wir nicht leiden, weil wir (genug) Geld haben, so gibt es immer Andere, die leiden (oder auch deswegen sterben), weil sie kein, oder zuwenig Geld haben, oder gerade in einem Krieg verwickelt sind. Gäbe es kein Geld, so gäbe es auch diese Missverhältnise nicht.

Die Menschheit versteht es ohnehin nicht, venünftig mit Geld umzugehen. Und WallStreet Banker erzeugen künstlich Mangel, damit sie die Preise in die Höhe treiben können.
Das Geldsystem ist ein künstliches System, dass ständig manupuliert wird, und nicht viel mit der Wirklichkeit zu tun hat.

Wirklich und echt, sind wir selbst, und die Erzeugnisse und Früchte unserer Arbeit.


Zwischenbereiche des Lebens, sind Bereiche, wo das Leben schön ist.

Zwischenbereiche des Lebens, sind Momente, die schön sind.

Es sind Bereiche unseres sogenannten Alltages.

Sie ereignen sich, unabhängig von der Tageszeit.

Doch ist es so, dass man sich im Prinzip diese Bereiche, Zeiten und Momente selbst aussucht.

Man ist frei, und lebt, und kann durchatmen. Man ist mobil.

Und hat keine Sorgen. Man ist sich selbst, und weder arm, noch reich. Weder ein Sklave, noch ein Herrscher.

Man ist Kind. Man ist Erwachsen. Man liebt. Man geniesst.
Man freut sich.

Zwischenbereiche gibt es weder an Weihnachten, Neujahr, am Geburtstag, oder an sonstigen Festen oder Feierlichkeiten.

Sie stehen uns nur im Alltag zur Verfügung. Und wir können sie nutzen. Die meisten Menschen nutzen sie nicht, weshalb sie griesgrämig oder bedrückt werden, und in ihrer kleinkarrierten Welt zu ersticken drohen.

Selber schuld: Ja wirklich, wenn man das nicht nutzt, was am Besten, am Schönsten, und erst noch völlig kostenlos ist.

Seien Sie einfach sich selbst: Dann gehts am Besten...

Ach ja: Und lassen Sie sich einfach leben, und sind Sie doch nett und lieb mit sich selber: Dann gehts am Besten...

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009

3 (.com) + 3 (.tel) = 18 possible .com pageviews:

All businesses, who have a .tel domain, won't only have a .tel.

They will be using their .tel to point to their .com.

.Tel is only the working donkey, who directs the clients to the .com website.

If you have got a .com, you can set up a few donkeys: "i-aaaaa, ii-aaaa-iii-aaaaa...": One donkey is good, three donkeys, are even better:

Example: (donkey directing to (donkey2 directing to (donkey3 directing to
If you wanna be big biz:


And teach your positioned donkeys to direct to those websites as well (by adding them to your .tel's)
If you got a few biz websites, get a few .tel's, and direct-direct (matching domain names), and cross-direct to your .com's (non-matching domain names).
If you where able to follow me: Here is another szenario:

You have the tree (.com)'s, as well as the three (.tel)'s, and can do:

3 times direct-direct to .com's.
2 times cross-direct
antother 2 times cross-direct
and anoter 2 times cross-direct

That is pointing to three .com's: 9 times. By using three tel's.

You can set up more pointers:

Put a "Contact Us" .tel page, on each .com website:

This way, you simply repeat the szenario:
3 times direct-direct to .com's.
2 times cross-direct
antother 2 times cross-direct
and anoter 2 times cross-direct

And get totally 18 pointers to your three .com websites.

Take away 3 self pointers, and you got 15 useful pointers.

By using "Contact Us" .tel pages, you can double your number of pointer links.
To get 15 pointer links, you have:

3 .com websites
3 .tel webpages
3. "Contact Us" .tel pages on the three existing websites.

Which give you: 3 direct hits, and 15 indirect pointer hits to .com websites, and a total of 18 posibilities to click on your 3 .com domains (here, you have 6 domains and 18 possibilities to get a click to one of your 3 .com websites.).

Without 3 .tel domains, you would only get 3 direct hits, instead of 18 hits to your 3 .com domains.

Mittwoch, 30. September 2009

Custom Logo: When will it be true?

Before Transformation:

After Transformation:

Samstag, 26. September 2009

New dashboard features for controlling your .tel domain

New function for the folder part of the .tel dashboard:

Changing names of subdomains:

About foders:

Folders functionality expands the navigation capability of your .tel domain.

If you have a lot of contact points, you probably want to spread them on several pages. This will provide a better visibility of your contact details in mobile devices with small displays. In this case, you should use the Folders option to logically group the contact information – like business details, favorite links, social media sites, professional information and more.
Technically, a folder is a sub-domain of your .tel domain. You can set a direct link to it.
Entering your folder name:
Enter the folder name. You can enter only letters, digits and hyphens in the subfolder name. A subfolder must contain at least one letter and its minimum length is 3 characters. The links to the folder in a browser will have initial capital letters and any hyphens will be converted to spaces. For example "my-business" will be visualized as "My Business". Once you are ready click on the Save button.
The Dashboard will only show the first level of sub-folders. If you want to view a deeper folder level, click on the corresponding subfolder. The contact information under the subfolders can be managed in the same way as under the main fodler.

End of Excursion.

Telnic has included a few more functions for de folders part of the dashboard:
They are only minor changes, but they can simplyfie handling nevertheless.

One is now able to change the the names of the subdomains at one single area of the dashboard.

When you hover with the mouse over the list of subdomains, you get to see icons, such a a pencil and a waste bin, with which you are able to do the different tasks.

You have to be very careful, with the deleting function:
In order to delete a folder, hover the mouse over its name and click on the Delete link. By deleting a folder you will permanently remove all of its sub-folders, the contact details and the corresponding items.
Accidentically deleting can have some serious consequenses...
Therefore, it would be wise, to have backuped the .tel domain before (for example, by using the .tel tool tel-machine, and its backup function).

New function for the .tel dashboard:

Changing the title of your .tel domain:

Till now, the domain name on the TelProxy of a .tel domain was quasi „given“, and pre configured, and corresponded with the name of the domain.

Now you are able to customise that title/name, and have 255 characters provided.
Which allows you to make a extensive title for your TelProxy.

According to the complexity of your title, the font size will be automatically adapted.
For each 10 character words, there will oviously be a own CSS tag: One for maximum 10 characters, one for 20 characters, one for 30 characters, and so forth...
The longer the title, the more the font size shrinks,
Furthermore, there will be implemented a sub title, with the same name, as your domain name.

Because the title of a TelProxy is important for search engines, as well: with this possibility, you have another SEO option, respectively, more SEO potential.

New function for the .tel dashboard:

New contact types:

The list of contact types, has been extended, as well, here:
Telnic only mentioned, that there is a new type of „user“...:
With this option, one should be able to, for example, deposit his username for online services or games, and can add a short comment, as well.

I did notice, when I over saw eveything, that there is also a typ, so called „Info“: Either, I had over seen that, up and till now, or it had been added, as new, as well.

For me, this typ is so far of interest, because one can integrate further text in to a .tel domain, with this. This text (maximum 255 characters) can be displayed on the TelProxy, according to your preferences.
With this feature, you have another option: next to integrating keywords, to integrate text on the TelPoxy.

Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

Advertisements within .tel, with "TEL-Advert": A extension tool of TEL-MACHINE.

Dot Tel News:

Advertisements within .tel, with "TEL-Advert": A extension tool of TEL-MACHINE. is offering a new tool extension for its users: TEL-Advert.

In August, Telnic presented a new format for advertising within .tel domains:

With help of this extension, Telcic allows every .tel domain owner to create advertisements on his TelProxy.

This was difficult to achieve, because of technical restrictions.

The TEL-MACHINE team has taken a closer look at that feature, and recognized, that there would be more technical skills needed to achieve the task, than the average .tel user has.
Respectively, Telnic assumes, that the users that want to set up their ads, have enough technical knowledge and skills, to be abel to read, understand, and follow their instructions for advertisements within .tel, as well as to be able to achieve the task.

Fact is, that a majority of .tel domain users, are lacking those skills. Therefore, the team of TEL-MACHINE has decided, within reasonable time, to make a extension tool to integrate in to TEL-MACHINE.

The handling of this extension tool „TEL-Advert“, is very simple:
In a first step, you create your advertisement:
Next to the information about title, the text of the ad, the URI, as well as the URI label, you can also use as many key words, as you like.

Furthermore, you have the possibility to activate a payment process, where you can give in a price per click, according to your requirements.

In a second step, you are able to set the positon for your ad on your TelProxy, via „drag and drop“.

Also, you are able to define, on which of your .tel domains, you would like to have the advertisement displayed.

In addition, one can choose, if one only wants to have ads displayed, on single subdomains, or on all existing domains.

Furthermore, one is able to select from a bigger choice from advertisment types, such as standard advertisment types, or a modus by random selection, and switch between both choices.

Within the header area, according to the Telnic options, you can only have maximum 2 advertisements displayed.
But, with the new method, if you simply select a bigger amount ads for the advertisement fields, and display them in the header area, then the advertisement will show up on your TelProxy according to to „automatic random selection“.

After all advertisements have been created and displayed, it takes about twenty five minutes, till the advertisements are visible on the TelProxy.

A process, which would go quicker, is not possible, due to technical reasons.

With this system, you are also able to modifye, deactivate, or delete a selected advertisement.


The extension tool for TEL-MACHINE: „TEL-Advert“, completes the pre-existing services of .tel domain tools of
There will be more functions to be added to TEL-MACHINE, soon.


This is a official Newsletter from the developers of TEL-MACHINE, and has been translated by Alexander Schiesser, developer and owner of, a commercial .tel domain name directory.

Thank you, for your kind attention.

Montag, 7. September 2009

Modern Times: Telcommerce, a virtual address book...

Beyond your company's web site or your own personal blog, having a .tel domain name and related content enables you to not only be found, but lets you create a virtual address book where you can story a variety of contact and content information that helps you define and expand your presence on the social web and be found.

As you expand your presence on various web based platforms, this is not just a calling card; it's a way to illustrate that you really get the principle of the long tail.

Learn more:

Samstag, 5. September 2009

Telecommunication Has A Long History, And Today We Speak About "Click To Communicate" With Dot Tel (Provider: Telnic Ltd.)

Beautiful certificate from the Societe des Telephones Ericsson issued in 1911. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignettes of early telephones This item is hand signed by the company's administrators and is over 98 years old.

The company's history dates back to 1876 when the founder, Lars Magnus Ericsson, opened a repair shop for telegraph equipment. Realizing that there was a need for improvements in the telephone instruments available at that time, he started his own production. Ericsson's first major product to be launched internationally, in 1892, was a desk instrument with a separate hand-held microphone. Since then, the company has been one of the world's leading manufacturers of advanced telephone equipment, with a very high percentage of its sales outside Sweden.

As early as the late 1890s, Ericsson had operations worldwide - including countries such as China, Russia and Mexico. The company's executive management already realized that the Swedish domestic market would never be large enough to fulfill Ericsson's business objectives. This foresight explains why Ericsson today has a very strong international base, with operations in more than 130 countries. This global presence enables the company to acquire unique knowledge about market conditions in all parts of the world. Based on this knowledge and on the company's high level of technical expertise, Ericsson develops telecommunications solutions for customers worldwide.

Ericsson is a now a world-leading supplier in telecommunications. It produces advanced systems and products for wired and mobile telecom systems in private and public networks.

Read more:

Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Who is Telnic targeting?

With .tel, individuals or businesses can be found wherever they are from one simple-to-remember .tel domain, and the .tel owner can fully control the modes of communication he or she chooses to receive.

At present, there are two broad usage models that effectively package services up from an individual and a business perspective.

For an individual, it's a communications hub, an interactive business card that changes depending on the viewer's relationship with the .tel owner.

And from a business perspective, it's a listing in the first, live mobile-optimized global business directory under their control and accessible from any device connected to the Internet.

Invariably, people and businesses fall into either an early-adopter or late-adopter segment.

Early adopters will have a myriad of communications methods that they will need to manage and share -- think Robert Scoble or Dell.

Late adopters will be small and large businesses and the general population that will have fewer forms of communication that they want to share, but would still like to not miss out on being connected.

So Bob the window cleaner who previously used the Yellow Pages communicating to a local audience can suddenly reach a far broader audience and have a Web presence with a .tel address.

The best part is he can do all of this without incurring the sometimes significant fees associated with designing and maintaining a Web site.

With .tel if Bob drops his cell phone into his bucket of water he can quickly switch his .tel address to point people to another number and not lose any customers.

Similarly, a large company that needs to get an emergency number out quickly to manage a crisis or product recall can to publish information on the Internet within seconds, complying with best practices in corporate communications and disclosure.

Alternatively, [these companies can] replicate their IVR through the .tel and allow grateful customers to connect to the department they want to quickly without having to wait on the phone for "Press 1 for new customers, press 2 for existing customers," and so on, thereby delivering superior customer service without the feeling of an automated system.

Others, such as operators and handset manufacturers might use the .tel to provide a communications hub and upsell new services, social networks, content and access to data services.

So the model is and will continue to evolve.

How will this domain differ from the other domains?

.tel is the first top-level domain that doesn't allow an owner to host a Web site. It's not about Web content, it's about communications -- all forms of communications.

.tel is the first domain that allows you to publish information to the Web, from any device, without the need for a Web site. .tel information can even be accessed without having to open a Web browser.

Some are referring to this as the "Webless Web," because it requires no ongoing fees for Web hosting, no Web coding, and can be changed at a moment's notice to be updated.

As a .tel address is not a Web site, people accessing the information over mobile devices will get to it as quickly as their Internet connection allows.

Further, the cost of access -- for example, while roaming -- is much smaller because .tel code is more streamlined than when downloading HTML code.

How will .tel be indexed by the search engines?

Search engines already visit the DNS to look up records. In fact, it's already quicker for these engines to read all of the information from the DNS which is formatted in a way that they understand than information residing on a traditional Web site.

As .tel is structured information with labels in each record, it's Googlejuice. And, of course, it can provide another link to drive better discovery and linkage to your existing Web properties.

For more technical information about records in the DNS, our developer Web site,, has a mass of whitepapers and APIs for people to delve into.

Who would you consider as your primary competitor?

Definitely not other top-level domains!

.tel is a publishing platform, focused on connecting people with other people or businesses. So really, it competes against Web-based directories, limited and fragmented Yellow or White Page solutions, cached and outdated information in search engines and old-fashioned business cards.

While .tel contains elements of a network, it has none of the time-wasting elements of a social network and also provides greater granularity of contact sharing than existing business contact solutions.

The nice part about .tel is that people looking to get in touch with you don't have to join a closed community to access your information -- and yet you as an individual continue to retain 100 percent control over that information and can make it private at any time.

What about dotMobi?

Again, .mobi is about Web content, but content optimized for one format -- mobile devices.

.tel is focused on communications, not content, and it can be accessed in the right format across all browsers and many devices without needing to open a browser.

.tel is the first mobile-optimized contacts directory under the control of the individual listing owner, who has the power to change it at any time.

Furthermore, .tel information can bypass the Web completely and be accessed through applications directly on PCs or mobile devices.

Example applications can be found at and have been created for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mobile. These are open source and anyone can take them and develop them further.

What is it about .tel that should appeal to marketers, publishers and small business owners?
As .tel information is stored in the DNS, it can be accessed quickly and cheaply. Your brand can jump directly into people's address books and remain there, updated every time you need it to be.

A .tel also supports search engine optimization out of the box, as all of the information is stored as machine-readable, standards-based records with descriptions, so Google can index it and understand it better than a traditional Web site.

Finally, it's low cost and can be refreshed continuously without significant investment in development, ongoing hosting fees or complex and expensive SEO to make sure it remains discoverable.

It's the perfect Internet billboard for bite-sized information. It's great for running competitions quickly, pointing to other sites such as auctions or Web chats.

You can quickly change headlines for breaking news stories. You can use the text records to highlight special offers. And you can monetize it through premium rate numbers, SMS downloads and other cost-per-click solutions.

What are you doing to market the service?
We've been educating enterprises since they will be among the first to be able to purchase a .tel address.

Telnic has been running a marketing campaign over the last few months and will be shortly embarking on a broader publicity campaign that will hit individual consumers and small businesses.

Our channel -- the registrar and reseller community -- has also been reaching out to their customers and early interest is strong.

This should make the business audience sit up and re-examine their investments in this area.

We believe that usage will be generated at the grassroots level and then percolate up.

Companies who invest in a .tel from the start could derive significant and unique benefits.

After all, it's a lot cheaper to retain a customer than to acquire one, so many are saying that getting a .tel is a no-brainer when it comes to smarter business and customer retention.

What's the charm of .tel for mobile marketers?

The .tel is the purest form of advertising and people will go there specifically because they are looking for what is on offer.

The contact information is the advert. It's the opposite of stealth marketing.

The product is the marketing as you are sharing all the ways in which people can interact with you or purchase from you.

It cuts out the middleman but can also be used to direct people to other sites, depending on the .tel owner's desire.

Customers and viewers of the .tel will appreciate it for what it doesn't do -- bombarding the reader with pay-per-click advertisements.

So people can connect in any way they want -- be it by visiting a Web site, picking up the phone or sending an email.

And finally, the .tel platform is optimized for mobile delivery with even less code than a small-screen formatted Web site.

Editor in Chief Mickey Alam Khan covers advertising agencies, associations, research, and column submissions. Reach him at

The Future of .TEL

It’s uncertain to know exactly what will become of .TEL. Personally, I’ve purchased one on its second day of public release, and have been experimenting with it. There’s no way to really re-design the look and feel of your .TEL: perhaps the domain registry wished to have a universal look for all .TEL’s? Or, will they eventually have a design feature and template selector that lets us “brand” our .TEL pages?

The domain itself will undoubtedly become a vital asset to the local marketing crowd, especially with the forecast of the smartphone boom and the steady rise in demand for WiFi and portable internet usage.

Last but not least, .TEL domains automatically make it into the .TEL directory: a free advertising venue that has been set up for all owners of .TEL domains. The company has impetuous expectations for the domain’s high rankings in search engines for their own term or business name; perhaps, only time will tell. In the meantime, it’s worth snagging your own .TEL before the other domainers buy up whatever’s left (Just by day two alone, nearly all one name keyword .TEL domains were seemingly taken, be sure to search for premium two-word domains!)

A Dream Come True for Geo-Targeting and Local Marketing:

.TEL, above all else, is a fantastic tool for what many marketers consider to be the next wave of the internet: geo-targeting and local marketing results. Say you own “” You can create a menu for “restaurants,” “live music,” “museums” and “newspaper stands.” From there, you can delve deeper into each menu, until the final page is reached, which lists actual locations with their street addresses, and a neat little thumbtack on a Google Map, showing the person how to get there. The implications for local marketing and .TEL domains are massive, as they also cater almost exclusively to handheld devices and smartphones, like the iPhone.

In Closing:

Regardless if you're a domainer or not, .TEL is an interesting addition to your domain name collection. It's always wise to snag your business' name before someone else does. With .TEL, you can have a convenient online directory of contact information, and a directory of services, businesses, branch offices or anything else you desire. It's a neat addition to your business cards, too.

"A Review of the .tel Domain Extension 71"
By TodaysMarketer @

Mittwoch, 2. September 2009

Should You Use .TEL Top Level Domains (TLDs)?

11:55 am - August 10th, 2009

by Chris Silver Smith

Periodically, someone will launch a new, specialized Top Level Domain (”TLD”), claiming it’s the next big thing on the net. As we’ve seen time and again (such as with the .MOBI TLD), most of these efforts are never going to achieve the same level of recognition or adoption as the .COM and .NET standards, and businesses which muck about with them are likely to expend valuable resources resulting in zero ROI.

Such is likely to be the case with the .TEL top level domain which launched in March. .TEL, operated by Telnic Limited, is intended to be a sort of domain-based authoritative location for contact information – a sort of grand new evolution of phone directories, white pages, and yellow pages. When you obtain a .TEL domain, you don’t manage it on the servers of your choice, but instead it will generate a site hosted on the Telnic service. Justin Hayward, Communications Director for Telnic, is quoted as saying:

“We consider .tel to be the first global live contact site directory. Once contact details are populated in a .tel, anyone can type a known .tel address into any browser or use keywords that describe the person or business they want to find. Keywords are free so the more keywords that are used and the more descriptive they are, the easier it is to be discoverable.”

On the surface, this all sounds good, but the first problem I see with it is one of adoption: if people know to look for you, they will not be likely to type in a .TEL domain name — everyone looks for .COM. Even if you specifically tell someone about your .TEL URL, you’ll expend extra time explaining that, yes, .TEL *is* a type of web URL, and even then they’re just as likely to type it in as “”, which is operated by Tokyo Electron company, and not the proper Telnic page URL.

This is the exact same issue with .MOBI, which was intended to be used as an authoritative URL for the mobile-friendly versions of websites. Most people don’t know/understand the protocol, so they won’t be naturally typing it in when out and about with their mobile devices (and, .Mobi has the additional downside of creating one-letter-longer URLs, which make it that much more tiresome for someone on a wireless device to type in).

From a marketing perspective, .TEL domains have additional downsides. You don’t appear to be able to control the UI or look-and-feel of the generated contact pages, and slapping on yet another domain can split the effectiveness of your natural search engine optimization work. Links pointing at that additional URL will dribble away portions of the PageRank you could be sending or keeping for your primary domain.

And, how will search engines treat it? As with many of the lesser top-level-domains, they’re likely to be more mistrustful. I see zero toolbar PageRank values for the top-ranking .TEL pages, though this may be due to the domains only getting launched recently. But, their public statements touting keywords (”…Keywords are free so the more keywords that are used…the easier it is to be discoverable…”) and the fact that domainers seem to be excited by having another channel to potentially exploit makes the TLD concerning in terms of potential search engine performance.

Bucking standards in favor of creating your own proprietary one, and flying in the face of established adoption rates in terms of internet consumer behavior are not a good formula for success.

In a very self-serving blog post by Telnic CTO, Henri Asseily, titled, “Why .tel and not a free hcard microformat?“, they seem to also be taking aim against the increasingly popular hCard Microformat standard in favor of .TEL. What’s funny about this is that this is comparing apples and oranges, and Telnic has deployed example domains (see, which provide a vCard at the bottom of the pages.

It’s absolutely stunning to me that they took the trouble to provide vCard off of their contact info pages when they could easily also embed all the vCard information into the page itself, using semantic markup! Meanwhile, his blog is suggesting that using .TEL in some way should be done instead of using hCard! And, I totally fail to see the significance of protecting info he’s referring to with privacy settings — are the .TEL pages a publicly-findable directory of contact info, or not?!? It’s disappointing that they wouldn’t simply incorporate the hCard and thereby gain additional advantage from the special display treatments that Google has begun applying to microformat-enriched pages.

Telnic is partly promoting their service as a way of providing individuals’ and businesses’ contact info on the internet, “even if you don’t have a website”. Ummm… don’t the online white pages and yellow pages already do this?

For companies considering adopting the .TEL for online marketing advantage, you should seriously reconsider. This is not going to become the defacto online standard anytime soon, and expending time playing with this domain is going to take resources away from efforts which are likely to be far more beneficial. At worst, linking to new .TEL domains could also subtract some of your existing PageRank value to little advantage.

The only case in which a .TEL domain could potentially provide advantage is in the case of a project to improve online reputation, if you’re looking for additional webpages to come up in SERPs, helping you to push down some sort of negative content which may be ranking for your brandname. However, there are a lot more social media sites, business profile pages, and additional strategies which you should be employing in that case, and the unproven nature of .TEL sites in organic search rankings relegate use of the new TLD to the bottom of your list of possible online reputation weapons.
9 Responses to “Should You Use .TEL Top Level Domains (TLDs)?”

1. Henri Asseily Says:
August 10th, 2009 at 12:30 pm

Hi Chris,
Again .tel is NOT about web pages. .tel information can get viewed on the web, but that’s not its primary goal. Its primary goal is to solve the problem of a single universal personal identifier for multiple communication services. Having a web-based interface is useful for the human eye, but it’s at least as important for devices to be able to access that information at the lowest possible level, and highest speed and reliability.

The hcard microformat is very nice, but as I said in my blog, there are major problems with it. Not in the format itself, but in the implementation. I quote:
“So let’s recap the hcard solution: you need to pay for your domain (any .com or equivalent will do) and a website, you need a means to easily update your hcard even when on the move, and you need a custom-built privacy infrastructure that you hope will be accepted.”

As for why we provide a vCard link, it’s as a convenience to mobile users who want a one-click import into their address book from the web. We are going to also add automatic semantic markup on the page itself (that is a very good suggestion), but the link will stay anyway. Not every browser can suck in semantic info directly from a web page.

Online yellow pages are very weak in the information they provide: it’s not timely at all, out of the control of the company, and good luck providing a sip number, twitter name or anything out of the ordinary.

Finally, regarding privacy, no single universal personal identifier for multiple communication services will ever function properly without complete atomic privacy. And that is why we designed privacy into the system from the start. Incidentally, there’s nothing proprietary about .tel: the specs are public, it’s fully compliant with the DNS RFCs, and you can elect to use your own privacy infrastructure as well. We only mandate implementation of our API specs for interoperability between all .tel applications.
2. Says:
August 11th, 2009 at 9:22 am

absolutely right , i agree Henri point for the real understanding about tel domain.
3. Says:
August 11th, 2009 at 9:26 am

I believe tel domain will play an important role in future commucation case.
4. silver Says:
August 11th, 2009 at 2:31 pm

Hi, Henri – thank you for dropping by and commenting.

I think the advantage of using .TEL is still unclear to me, and is therefore an indistinct marketing message overall. It may fulfill a niche need for a few individuals or companies, but it’s not at all clear to me why a “single universal personal identifier for multiple communication services” could not be their existing website.

Indeed, for a great many individuals and companies out there, it already is their existing website, and it would be superfluous to set up a .TEL presence in addition to their core site.

As you state about the hCard, you need a site, you need to pay for it, and you need a means of updating it. All of these are also dependencies for .TEL as well, so they don’t really detract from the usefulness of implementing hCard microformat on existing sites, nor are they substantially convincing arguments of further benefit that .TEL might bring with it.

I can definitely see that if .TEL becomes a more universally-accepted standard source of authoritative contact information, it could be beneficial. The problem as I see it is that it must gain a sufficient volume of marketshare before that point is reached, which requires a truly large investment of capitol, and a much clearer marketing message.

I’m pleased to hear that .TEL may incorporate microformatting in the future! It definitely makes sense if you want to facilitate machine-readable contact info.

Now, no one can call me a shill for the yellow pages industry, but I have to take exception to some of your statements about yellow pages. At least in America, the larger online yellow pages do provide businesses with a large number of optional information fields, and even free-form text fields for providing details. They’re not out of control of the companies listed — indeed, any company can claim their listings and update them as frequently as they may wish — and many companies do, even to the point of performing montly huge bulk uploads of listing info for their hundreds of chainstores. And, perhaps just as importantly, even with the concept of “yellow pages” becoming somewhat less popular, that information source still has a far larger marketshare than .TEL.

The privacy feature is the least clear selling point about .TEL. I’m by no means ignorant about privacy issues, but it’s unclear to me how .TEL helps those, and why that those of us who want to make our contact info more readily findable should simultaneously want to keep it private?
5. Henri Asseily Says:
August 12th, 2009 at 5:24 am

Hi Chris,
l took the liberty to answer your latest comment on my blog because I believe it needed some formatting for legibility:
6. Mark Kolb Says:
August 12th, 2009 at 6:22 am

I can’t comment about subtracting or dribbling page rank, but from personal experience of owning hundreds of .tel domains, at least 95% of them are ranked and found by Google, some now with PR 3. Even the one created just last week for TelCamp has a top 10 spot already. Those .tel domains without ranking or not found on searches are probably due to the fact they are not yet linked to from other domains.
7. silver Says:
August 12th, 2009 at 10:52 am

Mark, when you say “ranked and found by Google”, that only means they’re indexed and showing up in results. It does not mean that they’ve necessarily accrued much PageRank.

If you’re talking about – I viewed it just this moment and Google Toolbar showed no PR value. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have PageRank value, but it could mean that it’s so small as to not even register as a “1″ on the logarithmic toolbar PR scale. And, it’s very easy for a page to appear in the top ten listings for a fairly uncontested keyword term.

I just now looked more extensively, and I now found a couple of .TEL domains in the upper rankings for that TLD in Google which had a PageRank value of 1 to 3. However again, the Toolbar PageRank scale is logarithmic, so achieving PR of 1-3 is not all that difficult.

From the perspective of internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I stand by what I wrote earlier: just as with the other lesser top-level domains, the search engines are likely to consider them less trustworthy currently. For most companies, attempting to establish rankings on an additional domain is contraindicated because it will split their link-building efforts and effectiveness. Until or if .TEL becomes more established, natural search marketing benefit is unproven.
8. Henri Asseily Says:
August 12th, 2009 at 1:23 pm

Remember that Google cares a lot about the age of a page and domain. My own .tel is PR 5 as it’s been around for a good 6 months longer than the oldest purchased .tel domains.
9. silver Says:
August 12th, 2009 at 2:01 pm

Those are good points, Henri.

I did note that .TELs haven’t been around all that long, so this could easily explain low-or-no PageRank Toolbar scores, since Google updates the Toolbar ranking data infrequently – only every so many months. Your .TEL must have some good amount of high-PR pages linking to it or it would not achieve such rankings.

My thouhgts on the .Tel Top Domain

Well, I did post in this thread, somewhere.

I will exlpain my opinion now, today.

This top level domain will get nowhere "soon" unless
they somewhat reinvent their wheels.

Their idea is more than decent, dollar wise.

But they has to
work out a better plan, so we get real use for our domains.

If they wanted it like a yellow pages clone. Then we must have one big database
and no else than this.

At this moment they have done a
poor job.

Well, why Johan?

Look at their web pages.

It's an good idea to get a static page for every
tel. domain, it brings trust and autentic feelings, and builds a brand.

But they must have hired the poorest designers team to manage
their design:

why this clumpsy design, and on the right side?

Potentials are there. But with this design, I will be surprised
somebody will spend 1-2 seconds on any tel domain.

It's just too plain, ugly. Too dark, and too wrong.

They has to come up with something better. A "redline through
their marketing & design.

Their authentic idea, brilliant. But execution of it.


It's terrible. Black Bacground? It's something inbetween
black and gray???

If they change, design and put in high gear.

I will consider to get my own

Max-Johan Säwsten

P.S. If the company behind tel only have 1 million only in their assets.

Spend it all on new web design and web site dynamics.

edited: For now I will stick to CCtlds, and .Com.
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