Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

.Tel promotion via brick and mortar businesses

I think, that promoting the dot tel Internet domain, would work best, through brick and mortar businesses.

Especially via the mobile phone industry.

What is a brick and mortar business?:

Quote Wikipedia:
"Brick and mortar (B&M) refers to a company that possesses a building or store for operations[1]. The name is a metonym derived from the traditional building materials associated with physical buildings – bricks and mortar – in contrast with online stores, which have no physical presence.
In the jargon of eCommerce, brick and mortar businesses are companies that have a physical presence — a physical store — and offer face-to-face consumer experiences. This term is usually used to contrast with a transitory business or an internet-only presence, such as an online shop. An example would be the movie-rental shop Blockbuster Video, which has physical stores and is in competition with the newer online rental services offered by Netflix."

Why B&M, and not the Internet?:

The strongest and widest spread promotion for the dot tel domain had been done by registrars: Just google for .tel, and you can see, what I mean ("dot tel", or "dot tel domain", etc.).
But looking at most of that information and and most of those web pages, show, that the information is outdated.

B&M promotion can't get outdated. Because such a sales promotion has a beginning and a end.
Wheras Google only got cluttered up with old .tel information.
And still now: It is hard to separate the newest .tel info from the old .tel info, from a year, or nearly a year ago.

Basically anybody with a B&M shop presence could do .tel promotion, which would be much more effective, than most attempts to set up a website promotion on the web.

Financially spoken: Every sort of .tel promotion, that takes place online, will have a high opportunity cost, compared with promoting .tel offline.
Opportunity cost can be conceptualized as the amount of money one could have made by making a different promotion decision.
The difference between the value of the decision you did make and the value of the alternative is the opportunity cost.
In other words: We are loosing a lot of money, by not promoting the dot tel domain in a different way (offline, instead of online).
And so, therefor, promoting a product the right way, is about earning a lot of money.
Money and value, that would be simply lost, by staying with the old promotion concept.

About opportunity cost:

Further more, we would have to declutter Google, and delete all the outdated .tel info and promotion.
Respectively, tell all registrars and resellers, to either delete the old info, or to update their .tel promo pages.

Tel promotion via brick and mortar businesses, and decluttering Google from outdated .tel info, would show significant and stunning results.

And: If we do not do it, we will continue loosing a lot of money in the mid and long term (opportunity cost).
Doing nothing, or spending a lot of money for online .tel promotion, is false economy.

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