There is a lot more to say and think about Internet domain extensions.
The people first to register a new Internet domain, did not know, where it was heading, or what success it will have, and when.
So, it is basically silly to say, that a new domain extension has failed afer a year.
A lot of the success of a website depends on a few different factors:
If the company is already known and appreaciated.
If the extension matches well with the company name, respectively, the name of the website.
If „“ gets a lot of traffic, why shouldn't you be able to make a similar smart match with companyname and a domain extension?
If a .com is already taken, why should not a .biz bring you the same business success?
There are many cases, where a company name with a .tel extension just looks so good, and better than any other other extension. So why isn't that domain name desired?
Well, simply because hardly anybody but domainers know about .Tel, and because a lot of them depreciate .Tel, because of its limitaions.
But, let us say, that a internaut / surfer will just as much like to go to a .tel domain, if he knows, that he will be able to find a related website, there. The user will simply just not care about the restrictions and limitations of a .tel domain, as it will just as well work for him, like a .com domain does. Moreover that fact, he will have a bigger advantage, by using a .tel domain, because he will firstly get a list of contact information, from which he can only select the .com website, if he whishes to do only that, and not benefit from the rest.
A clear advantage, from navigating to a .tel domain, is that the user will not have to look up the contact information of the .com website later, as he had already found and seen it on the .tel domain.
People are just used to going to a flashy and colourful website, after clicking on the web link.
And domainers think, that that is the only way to keep them happy.
I doubt, users will be unhappy to use a .tel domain: The opposite is the case, as they will get more (information) at first.
It might perhaps just be another click inbetween. But might also offer a lot of alternative links to click on, and use.
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